Coldplay Better Than High School Musical

According to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, the world’s best-selling album in 2008 was Coldplay’s Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends. It sold more than last year’s chart-topper High School Musical 2, though whether this means Coldplay are actually better than the perky HSM teens is debatable.

The top 50 list makes for thoroughly depressing reading. Hands up if you actually bought any of these, besides Amy Winehouse and the underwhelming Kings of Leon album. The only heartening thing is that Rihanna beat Chris Brown, which makes a change from their usual domestic arrangement.

And for Coldplay to sell 6.8 million copies of an album even their fans must struggle to stay awake during, makes you think the death of the music industry is long overdue. Or maybe we need to revive our Make Coldplay History campaign.
